





The library is located in Chuo-ku, the central area of Sapporo city. It is a children’s public library which offers various library services not only to children with a physical handicap but also to long-stay patients. Our main purpose is to connect children with books. In order to encourage the love of reading, Llibrary holds many picture cloth-books, books printed by large-sized type, and large picture books.

Library services has been carrying out by many volunteers. As the facilities are barrier-free designed, the wheel-chair children can easily gain access from the entrance to the reading room. The library is constructed by wood which was produced in Hokkaido.

Would you come and visit the library with full of wooden smell? We assure that children are relieved to stay inside the library. Next to the reading room, there is a multi-purpose meeting room. We provide several programs such as the story-telling hours, the exhibit of cloth-books, the song and piano concert and wooden toys for playing with. Our motto is “Of the delight which is a book for all the children.”

The beginning of the cloth book

When Mrs. Sizue Kobayashi was involved in lending books to children at the Pediatrics of Otaru Municipal Hospital, she met a mother of a child with multiple disabilities.
A mother asked her “Are there any books suitable for my child?” Our hearts are moved through her asking our help. We have been trying to find a suitable book for her child.

However, it was not successful. We were lost in thought. Then we thought we might make something by ourselves. This is the reason why we started to establish “A group for children with disability and a book” During our regular meeting, we happened to find “A Busy Book” made by an American housewife which was just introduced to Japan.
We have made various improvements until we reached the present cloth book.

Cloth book attracts children for its softness, tenderness and warmth. Handicapped children are able to use cloth book as a functional training tool easily by themselves. It brings them dreams, hopes and heart-warming experience.




Message from Ms. Sizue Kobayashi, the founder of the Fukinotou Bunko Library

People comes into the world and makes a progress. Handicapped children grow up and continue living on as well. We consider they should have a right to enjoy abundance of our culture. Sick and handicapped children cannot go out to play. They are still left in physically and educationally underprivileged condition. We really hope that they could use a library in order to encounter joy of reading. We have been trying every means possible to support those children. We also consider that something has to be done for establishing a patient’s library in every hospital. Books are wonderful avenue for patients to be distracted from the pain and stress of hospitalization. We would like to call your attention to the following charter and law regarding children and culture.

The Children’s Charter, Article 9 (児童憲章第9条) “Every children are supposed to be given a playground as well as cultural assets and they will be protected from adverse environments.”
Basic Act for Persons with Disabilities : Development of Cultural Condition, Article 25(心身障がい者対策法第25条) “The national government and local entities must develop facilities, equipment and other conditions, subsidize activities relating to culture, art and sports, and make other necessary measure so that persons with disabilities are able to engage in cultural and artistic activities and sports or recreation.”

Finally we really hope that our government measures for handicapped children could be accomplished at the earliest possible. Until then we will work hard at bringing joy of reading books for underprivileged children.
We appreciate very much if you could patronize for us and make a commitment to our activity.

Appeal for financial help

Fukinotou Bunko is a non-profit organization and our activity has been supported by everyone’s good will since 1970. We depend on financial support such as a grant-in-aid, the support membership fee and a small profit from our publication. Support membership fee costs 3000 yen a year. We always welcome for your financial support that you can afford. Your contribution is a deductible item on next year’s income tax.

We mainly accept payment by postal transfer without remittance charge. When you get in touch with us, we will promptly send a payment form via mail. We reply the phone call on open hours Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. For the other days of the week, you can leave a message on phone-answering machine or communicate to us by fax or e-mail.

Fukinotou Bunko Library
Address : No. 8, Kita 6 Jo Nishi 12 Chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0006, Hokkaido Japan
Phone : 011-222-4839
Fax : 011-222-4800
E-mail Address : fukinotoubunko@ceres.oc.ne.jp



1970年 小林静江宅(江別市大麻)の子ども文庫を身体障がい児用とする
1990年 ふきのとう文庫15周年記念誌「春を呼べ!ふきのとう」刊行
2000年 ふきのとう文庫25周年記念誌「根を張れ!ふきのとう」を刊行
2004年 ふきのとう文庫30周年。世界バリアフリー絵本展と共催展示会。
2005年 ふきのとう文庫30周年記念誌「ひろがれ!ふきのとう」を刊行
2006年 北海道新聞福祉振興基金30周年記念特別賞受賞
2011年 「公益財団法人ふきのとう文庫」として認定される
2013年 札幌市中央区に新築移転
2014年 札幌市中央区で新築移転開館
2016年 社会貢献支援財団から平成27年度表彰団体に選ばれる
2017年 読売福祉文化賞受賞
創設理事長 小林静江死去



















